1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek
UDK 72(497.4Maribor)"18"

Avtorica bo s prispevkom opozorila na slogovno pestrost mariborske arhitekture v obdobju druge polovice 19. stoletja. Vzgib v umetnostnozgodovinsko razpravo o historističnih slogih v arhitekturi sta dva nedavna dogodka; obnovljena Baroničina hiša s secesijskim okrasom in izid prve celovite strokovne študije o arhitekturi 19. stoletja na Slovenskem. Na osnovi Curkovih topografskih in gradbenih izsledkov o širitvi mesta ob Dravi ter z arhivskimi viri o stavbah je besedilo dopolnjeno z avtoričinim prepoznavanjem slogovnih značilnosti posameznih arhitektur.

1.02 Review Article
UDC 72(497.4Maribor)"18"

With this treatise, the author points out the variety of styles in Maribor architecture in the second half of the 19th century. The reason for the art historical discussion on architectural historical styles are two recent events: the renovation of the Baroness’ House with secession decorations, and the release of the first comprehensive study on the 19th century Slovene architecture. On the basis of Curk’s topographic and building findings on the city of Maribor expansion, and on the basis of archive materials on building, this paper is supplemented with author’s identification of style characteristics of individual architectures.