1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 329.12(497.12Štajerska)"1919/1923"

Marko Žuraj: Diferenciacija liberalnega tabora z vidika njegovega delovanja na Štajerrskem v letih 1919-1923. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 80=45(2009), 2-3, str. 113-143

Prispevek obravnava diferenciacijo liberalnega tabora na Štajerskem v letih 1919-1923, ko si je predvsem najstarejša slovenska liberalna stranka Jugoslovanska demokratska stranka (JDS) prizadevala za skupen nastop vseh (treh) liberalnih strank (še Samoostojne kmetijske stranke SKS - in Narodno socialistične stranke - NSS). Slednji sta to (sodelovanje) odklanjali zaradi ideoloških oziroma programskih razhajanj, čeprav so vse tri stranke zaradi poraza, ki so ga doživele na skupščinskih volitvah marca leta 1923, bile prisiljene pričeti proces zbliževanja.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 329.12(497.12Štajerska)" 1919/1923"

Marko Žuraj: Differentiation of the Liberal Party from the Point of View on its Activities in Styria between 1919 and 1923. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 80=45(2009),2-3, pp. 113-143

The article discusses the differentiation of the liberal parties in Styria between 1919 and 1923, when the oldest Slovene liberal party, the Yugoslav Democratic Party (Jugoslovanska demokratska stranka - JDS) strived for the joint election campaigns of all three liberal parties (besides the JDS also the Independent Agricultural Party - SKS and the National Socialistic Party - NSS). The latter two refused this (cooperation) because of the defeat they experienced in the parliamentary elections in March 1923, forced to begin with the process of convergence.