1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 347.235/.236(497.4Ptuj)"1495/1500"

Barbara Bedenik: Dva urbarja ptujske gospoščine ob koncu 16. stoletja. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 82=47(2011), 1, str. 11–60

Članek temelji na diplomskem delu z naslovom Primerjava Urbarja za urad Ptuj 1495 in Urbarja uradov in glavarstva gradu Ptuj o. 1500. Predstavljena sta oba urbarja, njune značilnosti ter vsebina. Nato sledi njuna primerjava in zapis ugotovitev glede primerjave posesti, prebivalstva ter obveznosti podložnikov do zemljiškega gospostva, tako za ravninski kot gorski del. Razložene so posamezne mere in izrazi, ki jih najdemo v urbarjih.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 347.235/.236(497.4Ptuj)"1495/1500"

Barbara Bedenik: Two Land Registries of the Ptuj Dominion at the End of the 16th Century. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 82=47(2011), 1, pp. 11–60

The article is based on the diploma paper entitled: The Comparison of the Ptuj Land Registry from 1495 and the Ptuj and the Ptuj Castle Board Land Registries from 1500. Both land registries as well as their characteristics and contents are presented. The comparison of these two registries follows and the findings of the comparison of properties, population and the subjects’ duties in the lowlands and in the mountain parts are stated. Measures and expressions that can be found in the land registries are also explained and interpreted.