1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94(450.367=411.16), 94(497.473=411.16)

Renato Podbersič: Iskanje alternativ. Reševanje Judov v Gorici pred holokavstom. Časopis
za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 88=53(2017), 1, str. 43–60

Prispevek** obravnava iskanje alternativ pri Judih na Goriškem, ki so se po kapitulaciji
Italije znašli na udaru nacistov. Posamezni Judje in tudi cele judovske družine so se že
do septembra 1943 uspeli umakniti iz Gorice, odšli so predvsem v druge italijanske
dežele. Nekateri so po skrivnih kanalih zbežali v Švico, spet drugi so se uspeli skriti
na podeželju. Navadno so potovali ali se skrivali pod lažnimi imeni in z dokumenti,
ki so jih priskrbele protifašistične organizacije. Po drugi strani se je za odhod v partizanske
enote na Primorskem odločil le manjši delež goriških Judov. Goriški Judje
so bili namreč tradicionalno bolj vpeti v italijanski kulturno-gospodarski prostor in
oddaljeni od slovenske stvarnosti v deželi.
Holokavst je dejansko pomenil uničenje judovske skupnosti na Goriškem, ki si po vojni
praktično ni več opomogla in je bila dokončno ukinjena leta 1969.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 94(450.367=411.16), 94(497.473=411.16)

Renato Podbersič: Searching for Alternatives – Saving the Gorizia Jews From Holocaust.
Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 88=53(2017), 1, pp. 43–60

The treatise discusses searching for alternatives with the Gorizia Jews, who were exposed
to the Nazis after the capitulation of Italy. Individual Jews and also whole Jewish
families managed to escape from Gorizia before September 1943; most of them went to other Italian countries. Some of them escaped to Switzerland by way of clandestine
channels, the others managed to find refuge in the countryside. They usually travelled
or hid under false names and with identification papers, which were provided by
antifascist organisations. On the other hand only a small number of the Gorizia Jews
decided to join the Primorje Partisan units. The Gorizia Jews were traditionally more
involved in the Italian cultural-historic milieu and were more distanced from the
Slovene reality. Holocaust actually meant the end of the Gorizia Jewish community,
which after World War II could not be re-established and was finally abolished in 1969.