1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek UDK 94(497.12)"1918":356:929

Radovan Pulko: Maistrovi sodelavci - borci za severno slovensko mejo z območja Lju­tomera, Maribora in Ptuja. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 82=47(2011), 2-3, str. 86-98

Ob vdoru okupatorjev na slovensko ozemlje leta 1941 so bile evidence predvojnih članov Zveze Maistrovih borcev namerno uničene. Tako danes kljub temu, da je od bojev za severna slovensko mejo minilo že več kot devetdeset let, nimamo na enem mestu zbranih podatkov, iz katerih bi lahko razbrali, kdo so bili borci za severna mejo. Zaradi takšnega stanja je s strani Zveze društev general Maister prišla pobuda, da se izvede raziskava, katere namen je sestaviti seznam borcev za severna mejo, v katerem bi bili vključeni nekdanji borci iz cele Slovenije.

V zadnjih mesecih so potekale raziskave, katerih rezultat je seznam borcev za severna mejo z območja Ljutomera, Maribora in Ptuja.

1.01 Original Scientific Article UDC 94(497.12)"1918":356:929

Radovan Pulko: Maister's Companions - Soldiers from Ljutomer, Maribor and Ptuj, Who fought for the Northern Slovene Border. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 82=47(2011),2-3, pp. 86-98

When the occupying forces invaded the Slovene territory in 1941, all the records of the pre-war members of General Rudolf Maister's Fighters Union were deliberately destroyed. Although it has passed more than 90 years since these men fought for the

Slovenia's northern border, there does not exist a single source today, where one could find a complete list of those who defended the northern border. Due to this condition, the Union of General RudolfMaister Societies made an initiative to execute a research and set up a list of the defenders of the northern border which would include the sol­diers from the entire country. In the last few months, the research was in progress and it yielded a list of the soldiers who fought for the northern border, originating from Ljutomer, Maribor and Ptuj.