1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94(497.4Šoštanj):314ˈˈ1869/1924ˈˈ

Miran Aplinc: Mit o obstoju velikih družin v obdobju 1869 do 1924 na primeru župnije sv.
Mihaela v Šaleški dolini. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 85=50(2014),
3, str. 22–38

V prispevku je obravnavan mit o obstoju velikih družin v luči zapisnikov duš (1869–
1924) na primeru župnije sv. Mihaela, ki leži v zahodnem delu Šaleške doline. Avtor
predstavi stanje tovrstnih raziskav s področja historične demografije in obravnavane
vire, položaj družine v luči zapisnikov duš, položaj otrok glede na vrsto gospodinjstva
ter število otrok na družino po naseljih v primerjavi z bližnjim Velenjem.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 94(497.4Šoštanj):314ˈˈ1869/1924ˈˈ

Miran Aplinc: The Myth of the Existence of large Families in the Period from 1869 to
1924 in the Case of the Parish St. Michael in Šaleška dolina. Review for History and
Ethnography, Maribor 85=50(2014), 3, pp. 22–38

The paper discusses myth of the existence of large families on the basis of a parish family book (Status Animarum, “State of Souls”) (1869 to 1924) in the case of the
parish of St. Michael, which lies in the western part of the Saleška dolina. The author
presents the present state of research in the field of historical demography and the
used sources, the situation of families from the perspective of the census survey, the situation of children regarding the quality of houses, and the number of children per
family in different settlements, which the author compares with the nearby Velenje.