1.04 Strokovni članek
UDK 930.253(497.4Ptuj):929Potrč I.

Božena Kmetec - Friedl: Obdelava in dostopnost Potrčeve knjižne dediščine v ptujski knjižnici. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 84=49(2013), 2–3, str. 203–223

Zapuščina pisatelja Ivana Potrča je posebna zbirka v Domoznanskem oddelku Knjižnice Ivana Potrča Ptuj, ki jo je knjižnica prejela kot dar leta 1998. Večji del Potrčeve zasebne knjižnice je podarila njegova soproga Branka Jurca, predal pa sin Matjaž. Zbirka je štela 2.292 enot. Poleg knjižničnega gradiva je knjižnica pridobila še del korespondence. Leta 2012 je knjižnica prejela od sina Matjaža Potrča še del pisateljeve zapuščine – 489 knjižnih enot in deset arhivskih škatel rokopisov, tipkopisov, revijalnih objav, plaket, priznanj in odličij. Knjižno gradivo smo obdelali v sistemu COBISS, korespondenco pa popisali. Zapuščina je tako danes dostopna javnosti za preučevanje pisatelja Ivana Potrča.

1.04 Professionall Article
UDC 930.253(497.4Ptuj):929Potrč I.

Božena Kmetec - Friedl: Processing and Accessibility of Potrč‘s Legacy in the Ptuj Library. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 84=49(2013), 2–3, pp. 203–223

The legacy of the writer Ivan Potrč is a special collection of the Local History Department in the Ivan Potrč Library Ptuj. The Library received the legacy as a gift in 1998. The largest part of Potrč’s private library was donated by his wife, Branka Jurca and it was presented by his son Matjaž. The collection consisted of 2.292 units. Next to the library materials the Library also received some of his correspondence. In 2012 the Library also got another part of the writer’s legacy from his son, Matjaž Potrč – 489 monographs and ten archive boxes full of handwritings, typescripts, announcements in periodicals, plaquettes, recognition awards and medals. The monographs were processed in the COBISS system; the correspondence was registered so that the interested public has access to the legacy and is able to do research on the writer Ivan Potrč.