1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 37(497.412)"1918/1941"

Jure Maček: Oris šolstva v Mariboru in okolici v letih 1918–1941. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 83=48(2012), 2–3, str. 26–68

Mariborsko šolstvo je bilo pred prvo svetovno vojno skoraj povsem nemško. Ob prevratu 1918 je bila ena od prvih nalog novih oblasti uvesti slovenski jezik kot učni jezik na vse ravni šolanja in zaposliti narodno zavedne učitelje. V Mariboru je proces »poslovenjenja« šolstva potekal nekoliko drugače kot v ostalih slovenskih deželah. Oblast je pričela odločneje ukrepati šele po nemških demonstracijah januarja 1919. Med vojnama je v Mariboru obstajala dobro organizirana šolska mreža, po zaslugi Pedagoške centrale pa je postal osrednji center naprednega pedagoškega gibanja na Slovenskem.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 37(497.412)"1918/1941"

Jure Maček: An Outline of the Educational System in Maribor and its Surroundings in the Period between 1918 and 1941. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 83=48(2012), 2–3, pp. 26–68

The Maribor educational system was before the World War I almost completely German. One of the first and the most important tasks of the new authorities after the overthrow in 1918 was to initiate the Slovene language as teaching language on all educational levels and to employ nationally conscious teachers. In Maribor the process of “Slovenisation” of the educational system proceeded slightly different as in other Slovene provinces. The authorities started with decisive measures only after the German demonstrations in January 1919. Between the wars a well organised school net existed in Maribor and by the merit of Pedagoška central (The Pedagogical Head Office) the city stayed the centre of the Slovene progressive pedagogical movement.