1.04 Strokovni članek

UDK 061.2:323.1:929Maister R.

Milan Lovrenčič: Smoter ustanavljanja in delovanja društev generala Maistra. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 82=47(2011), 2-3, str. 136-142

Referat obravnava pomen narodne identitete, še posebno v sedanjih integracijskih procesih Evropske unije, in pobude akademika dr. Trstenjaka za postavitev spomenika prvemu slovenskemu generalu Rudolfu Maistru. Povzema tudi programska izhodišča delovanja članov društev general Maister. Njihova Zveza in člani se v skladu s statu­tom in programom dela prizadevajo za utrjevanje domoljubja v šolah in v javnem delovanju.

1.04 Professional article

UDC 0612:3231:929Maister R.

Milan Lovrencic: The Purpose of Establishing and Functioning of General Maister So­cieties. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 82=47(2011), 2-3, pp. 136-142

'lhis paper discusses the significance of the national identity, especially in present integration processes within European Union, and the initiative of the academic dr. Trstenjak to erect a monument to the first Slovene general Rudolf Maister. It sum­marizes the platform of the fundamental operation of members of societies General Maister. 1 he federation of the societies and all the members, in accordance with their statute and programmes, aspire in consolidation of patriotism, both in educational institutes as well as in public activities.]