1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 929Leskovar J.:323(497.4)"1927/1929"

Miroslav Stiplovšek: Uspešno delovanje samouprave mariborske oblasti (1927–1929) pod predsedstvom dr. Josipa Leskovarja in njegova prizadevanja za avtonomijo Slovenije v banskem svetu Dravske banovine v drugi polovici tridesetih let. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 83=48(2012), 1, str. 31–65

Dr. Josip Leskovar je kot predstavnik katoliškega političnega tabora med vojnama uspešno opravljal pomembne funkcije v slovenskih predstavniških telesih. Kot predsednik mariborske oblastne skupščine in njenega izvršilnega odbora ter kot komisar oblastne samouprave (1927–1929) je zaslužen za izboljšanje gmotnega položaja ter pravne ureditve gospodarsko-socialnih in prosvetno-kulturnih dejavnosti in ustanov na območju mariborske oblasti. Pomemben je tudi njegov prispevek pri sodelovanju z ljubljansko oblastno samoupravo. V banskem svetu Dravske banovine je od 1936–1941 s predlogi in nasveti sodeloval v prizadevanjih za razvoj Slovenije, posebej Štajerske. Kot banski svetnik je utemeljil in oblikoval več resolucij za avtonomijo Slovenije.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 929Leskovar J.:323(497.4)"1927/1929"

Miroslav Stiplovšek: The Successful Activities of the Maribor Self-Government (1927–1929) under the Presidency of Josip Leskovar, Ph.D., and his Endeavours for the Slovene Autonomy in the Banovina Council of the Drava-Banovina in the Second Half of the 1930s. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 83=48(2012), 1, pp. 31–65

Josip Leskovar. Ph.D., was a representative of the catholic political party and as such he had, in the times between both world wars, many important functions in the Slovene representative bodies. As the representative of the Maribor Government Assembly and its executive board and as the self-government commissioner (1927–1929) he took all the credits for the improvement of the financial situation and for the legislative regulation of the economic-social and educational-cultural activities and institutions under the Maribor government. His contribution to the cooperation with the Ljubljana self-government is also of great importance. Between 1936 and 1941 he participated in the Banovina council of the Drava-Banovina with many suggestions and advice for the development of Slovenia, especially of Styria. As a Banovina councillor he established and formed numerous resolutions for the autonomy of Slovenia.