1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 323.1(497.12)"18":929Raič B.

Anton Ratiznojnik: Vloga in pomen Božidarja Raiča v ljutomerskem narodnem gibanju. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 79=44(2008), 1-2, str. 108-117

Božidar Raič je bil eden največjih slovenskih štajerskih rodoljubov, sooblikovalec vsesloovenskega narodnopolitičnega programa, eden najpomembnejših taborskih govornikov in zagovornikov zedinjene Slovenije.

Izstopa njegova narodnobuditeljska vloga na slovenskem Štajerskem, pomembna v ljuutomerskem narodnem gibanju pri razvoju in utrjevanju narodne zavesti. Bil je pobudnik in organizator velike narodne prireditve leta 1867 (besede pri Mali Nedelji), pobudnik èitalnice v Ljutomeru, eden od pobudnikov in govornik na prvem slovenskem taboru v Ljutomeru, glavni organizator in slavnostni govornik na proslavi sedemdesetletnice jeziikoslovca Frana Miklošičeva v Ljutomeru.

1.01 Original Scietific Article
UDC 323.1(497.12)"18":929Raič B.

Anton Ratiznojnik: The Role and the Importance of Božidar Raič for the Development of the National Awareness in Ljutomer and its Surroundings. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 79=44(2008), 1-2, pp. 108-117

Božidar Raič was one of the greatest patriots in the Slovene Styria, a co-shaper of the all Slovene national-political program me, one of the most important Tabor meeting speakers and defender of the united Slovenia.

His role as a national awakener in the Slovene Styria had an exceptional importance in the national movement in Ljutomer as well as in the strengthening of the national awareeness. He was the initiator and organiser of the important national event in the year 1867 ("Beseda" by Mala Nedelja), the initiator of the Èita/nica in Ljutomer, one of the initiators and speakers in the first Slovene Tabor meeting in Ljutomer, the main organiser and the official speaker at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the linguist Fran Miklošič in Ljutomer.