1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek
UDK 929Zupanič Z. S.

Mojca Ramšak: Znanstveni opus zdravnice, zgodovinarke medicine in medicinske
humanistke, prof. dr. Zvonke Zupanič Slavec.
Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje,
Maribor 90=55(2019), 2, str. 70–123

V članku je sistematično predstavljena življenjska in poklicna pot zdravnice, zgodovinarke
medicine in medicinske humanistke prof. dr. Zvonke Zupanič Slavec, od leta
1992 predstojnice Inštituta za zgodovino medicine pri Medicinski fakulteti Univerze v
Ljubljani. Prvič do zdaj je celostno pregledan, sintetiziran in ovrednoten njen obsežni

1.02 Review Article
UDC 929Zupanič Z. S.

Mojca Ramšak: The Scientific Opus of a Medical Doctor, Medical Historian and Medical
Humanist, Professor Zvonka Zupanič Slavec, PhD. Review for History and Ethnography,
Maribor 90=55(2019), 2, pp. 70–123

The article systematically presents the life and career path of the researcher in the field
of history of medicine and medical humanities, professor Zvonka Zupanič Slavec, MD, PhD, who has been the head of the Institute for the History of Medicine at the Faculty
of Medicine, University of Ljubljana since 1992. For the first time, her extensive work
has been fully examined, synthesized and evaluated.