Foto 1: dr. Bruno Harman, Breda Filo
22. March 2024

Thursday, 28 March 2024, 16:00, Glazer Hall

The annual General Assembly of the University of Maribor Library Friends Club is a customary gathering for individuals connected to the library in various capacities. During the GA, members convene to reflect on past events, strategise for the upcoming period, and conclude the session with an engaging cultural presentation.

Presiding over the assembly will be the Club's President, Prof Dr Andraž Stožer, alongside Mag. Dunja Legat, the Director of the University of Maribor Library.

Following the formal proceedings, attendees will have the opportunity to view segments from video portraits featuring two honoured colleagues: Dr Bruno Hartman and Breda Filo. These portraits are part of the Scholars of Librarianship video series, an initiative by the Slovenian Library Association aimed at honouring librarians who have significantly advanced the field. Each video portrait comprises interviews with distinguished librarians, supplemented by testimonials from their peers and contemporaries.

Narrators for the portraits of Dr Bruno Hartman and Breda Filo include colleagues from the University of Maribor Library, such as former library director and Friends Club founder Dr Zdenka Petermanec, former directors and librarians Dr Irena Sapač and Dr Bernard Rajh, as well as librarian Mirko Nidorfer.