1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 912.43(497.12)"18"

Vincenc Rajšp: Duhovnika Jožef Rogač in Božidar Raič v slovenskem narodnopolitiččnem gibanju v šestdesetih letih 19. stoletja. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 79=44(2008), 1-2, str. 37-44

Prispevek predstavlja dejavnost dveh duhovnikov na nacionalno-političnem polju v šestdeesetih letih 19. stoletja. Jožef Rogač je izdal leta1860 brošuro z naslovom Narodnost i slovennstvo, s katero je skušal dokazati, da slovensko narodno gibanje ni v nasprot jo s Cerkvijo in državo. Od duhovnikov je zahteval rabo slovenskega knjižnega jezika v dušnem pastirstvu. Drugi, Božidar Raič, se je boril za slovenske narodne pravice kot profesor slovenščine na gimnaziji v Mariboru ter kot deželnozborki in državnozborski poslanec, bil pa je tudi eden najbolj odmevnih taborskih govornikov, kjer je zahteval enakopravnost slovenskega jezika v javnem državnem poslovanju ter zedinjenje Slovencev v posebno upravno enoto.

1.01 Original scietific Article
UDC 912.43(497.12)"18"

Vincenc Rajšp:The Priests Jožef Rogač and Božidar Raič in the Slovene National-politic Movement in the 60s of the 19th Century. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 79=44(2008), 1-2, pp. 37-44

The article presents the activities of two priests in the national-political field in the 60s of the 19th century. Jožef Rogač published a brochure with the tille Narodnost i slovennstvo in 1860, with which he tri ed to prove that the Slovene national movement is not in contradiction with the Church and the state. He demanded from the priests the use of the Slovene standard language in pastorallife. The other priest, Božidar Raič, fought for the rights of the Slovene nat ion as a professor of the Slovene language on a grammar school in Maribor and as a member of the provincial assembly. At the same time he was also one of the greatest spokesmen on the Tabor Meetings because he demanded the equality of the Slovene language in public state operations and the unification of the Slovene people in a special administrative unit.