1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 930.2:811.163.6"17/18"

V Časopisu za zgodovino in narodopisje je France Kotnik leta 1926 objavil kratko besedilo prisege za novosprejete tržane trga Mozirje. Postavil jo je v leto 1740, ker je takšno letnico nosil naslov tržanske knjige (Bürgerbuch von Prasberg 1740), na začetku katere je prisega zapisana. Odtlej je »mozirska tržanska prisega« veljala za pomemben primer starejše pisane uradovalne slovenščine. Toda zadnje raziskave so pokazale, da je prisežni obrazec v resnici nastal šele okoli leta 1820, kar zahteva njegovo jezikovno, pravopisno in kulturnozgodovinsko reinterpretacijo.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 930.2:811.163.6"17/18"

In 1926 France Kotnik published a short text of the oath of citizenship for new inhabitants of Mozirje market town in the Review of History and Ethnography. He dated the oath for 1740, for the same year was written in the Mozirje “Bürgerbuch” (Bürgerbuch von Prasberg 1740), in which the oath was published. Since then the “Mozirje oath of citizenship” was regarded as an important example of the older written official Slovene language. The recent research has shown that the oath form was actually written around 1820 and this fact requires its linguistic, orthographic and cultural-historical reinterpretation.