1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 351.77+351.84(497.12Maribor)"1927/1929"

Dunja Dobaja: Obravnavanje socialne in zdravstvene problematike na sejah mariborske oblastne skupščine v letih 1927-1929. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 81=46(2010), 1, str. 38-66

Avtorica s pomočjo arhivskega gradiva in temeljnega dela o delovanju skupščin lju¬ bljanske in mariborske oblasti, ki ga je leta 2000 napisal prof. dr. Miroslav Stiplovšek, prikaže tri obdobja zasedanja mariborske oblastne skupščine, v kateri so, včasih v napetem ozračju, potekale razprave tudi glede zdravstvenih in socialnih vprašanj. Na podlagi uredbe o razdelitvi samoupravnih poslov so se posli oblastne samouprave v Mariboru razdelili na pet oddelkov, med katerimi je bil tudi oddelek za socialne zadeve in zdravstvo. Mariborska oblast je bila skupaj z ljubljansko prva v skupni državi, ki je prevzela pristojnosti na področju zdravstva. Ti dve samoupravi sta bili tudi edini v državi, ki sta zahtevali prevzem nekaterih socialnih zavodov. Seveda se je kot glavni problem glede tovrstnega prevzemanja pokazalo financiranje prevzetih zdravstvenih in socialnih ustanov. Kljub težavam pa so bili s konstruktivnim delom in prizadevanji doseženi uspehi.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 351.77+351.84(497.12Maribor)"1927/1929"

Dunja Dobaja: Discussions on the Social and Health Problems on the Maribor Authority Assembly Meetings in the Years 1927-1929. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 81=46(2010), 1, pp. 38-66

The author uses the archive materials and the fundamental work on activities of the Ljubljana and Maribor assembly meetings written in the year 2000 by Prof. Dr. Miro¬ slav Stiplovšek to show three different periods of the Maribor authority assembly meet¬ ings' where, sometimes also under tense atmosphere, the discussions on the health and social questions, were held. On the basis of a decree on division of self-managing businesses the affairs of the Maribor authority self-management were divided into five departments, one ofthem being a department for social and health affairs. The Maribor authority was, together with the Ljubljana authority, the first one in the joint country to take over the competences in the health sphere. These two self-managements were also the only ones in the country who demanded the take-over of some social institutions. The main problem with such take-over was of course the founding of these health and social institutions. In spite of all the difficulties the institutions were successful because of the constructive work and efforts that have been made.