1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94(497.4):32ʹʹ18ʹʹ

Rajmund Lampreht: Politični koncept kranjskih ustavovernih veleposestnikov v 60.
letih 19. stoletja – njihovi koncepti razmišljanja o političnih, nazorskih in nacionalnih
Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 90=55(2019), 1, str. 5–27

Avtor v prispevku obravnava kranjski politični klub Ustavoverni veleposestniki. Pri
tem ugotavlja, da je bil klub nadnacionalno orientiran. Člani so bili proti delitvi prebivalstva
na podlagi nacionalnosti. Njihovi člani so sicer bili liberalno usmerjeni in se
s konkordatom niso strinjali. Slednje je imelo za posledico, da so se zamerili Cerkvi.
Kranjski duhovniki so širitev njihovih idej na podeželje uspešno preprečevali in klub
na podeželju ni dosegal vidnih političnih uspehov. Ustavoverni veleposestniki so se
zavzemali za sobivanje nemške in slovenske kulture ter bili prepričani, da bi morale vse
nacije imeti enake pravice, tako slovenska kakor nemška. Bili so pripravljeni podpreti
vsako nacionalno pobudo, idejo in željo, dokler ta ni bila nacionalistična. V slovenski
ideji o Zedinjeni Sloveniji so videli nacionalistični program ter so jo odklanjali. Ustavoverni
veleposestniki so se poskušali na podlagi liberalnih načel združiti s slovenskimi
liberalci, a ti niso bili pripravljeni zapustiti Narodne stranke.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 94(497.4):32ʹʹ18ʹʹ

Rajmund Lampreht: The Political Concept of Carniola Constitutional Big Landowners
in the 1860s – their Way of Thinking about Political, Ideological and National Questions.
Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 90=55(2019), 1, pp. 5–27

In this treatise, the author discusses the Carniola political club Constitutional Big
Landowners and states that the club was supranational oriented. Its members were
against the division of people according to their nationality. They were liberally oriented
and were against the concordat, which negatively affected their relationship with
the Church. The Carniola priests were successful in preventing the expansion of their
ideas in the countryside and therefore the club did not score any political success in
this area. The Constitutional Big Landowners promoted the coexistence of the German
and Slovene culture and were convinced that every nation should have the same rights,
as the German so the Slovene. They were in favour of any national initiative, idea or
desire, as long as it was not nationalistic. They understood the Slovene idea of United
Slovenia as a nationalistic programme and therefore refused it. Based on the liberal
ideas, The Constitutional Big Landowners tried to connect with the Slovene liberals,
but they were not ready to leave the National Party.