1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94:314.15(73)"1911/1924"

Matjaž Klemenčič: The Catholic Bulletin, glasilo nadškofije St. Paul v Minnesoti, o priseljevanju v ZDA in slovenskih izseljencih v obdobju 1911–1924. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 86=51(2015), 1, str. 106–128
Avtor se ukvarja z vprašanjem, koliko informacij so dobili bralci glasila The Catholic Bulletin o priseljenskih skupnostih v ZDA na splošno, o odnosu ameriške države do priseljevanja in o slovenski priseljenski skupnosti. Ugotavlja, da je bralec o teh vsebinah lahko dobil precej podatkov, ki pa so bile le informativnega značaja, medtem ko poglobljenih komentarjev o posameznih dogodkih v časopisu (skoraj) ni mogoče zaslediti. Še posebej se je časopis izogibal razpravam o ameriški politiki, razen v zadevah, ki so se neposredno dotikale katoliške cerkve.

Matjaž Klemenčič: The Catholic Bulletin, the Newsletter of the Archdiocese of St. Paul, Minnesota, on Immigration to the United States and the Slovene Immigrants between 1911 and 1924. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 86=51(2015), 1, pp. 106–128
The author deals with the question of how much space and what information The Catholic Bulletin devoted to the immigrant communities in the United States in general, the U.S. immigration policy, and finally the Slovene immigrant communities. The author notes that the reader can get a lot of data on this content, which was for information purposes only. In the newspaper there are no in-depth comments on some events. In particular, the newspaper avoided discussions about American politics, except on the issues which directly mattered to the Catholic Church.