1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 712.2(497.4-751.2)

Matej Vranješ: Ovčerejci, lovci, naravovarstveniki, podjetniki? Pogled na Triglavski narodni park in dediščino iz doline Trente. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 78=43(2007), 4, str. 119-142

Prispevek na podlagi dolgoročne etnografske terenske raziskave v Trenti podaja in¬terpretacijo domačinskih pogledov na izbrane vidike lokalne kulturne dediščine in Triglavskega narodnega parka. Poleg domačinske reprezentacije polpretekle zgodovine so izpostavljeni pogledi na smiselnost, zmožnost in načine ohranjanja dveh elementov kulturne dediščine in tradicionalnih prostorskih rab: kmetijstva in kmetijske kulturne krajine ter lova. Avtor osvetljuje in interpretira nekatere bistvene razlike v pogledih na politiko ohranjanja kulturne dediščine med domačini in zastopniki nacionalnega interesa. Te razlike so postavljene tudi v kontekst reakcij lokalne skupnosti na aktualno javno razpravo glede novega zakona o Triglavskem narodnem parku v Sloveniji.

1.01 Original Scietific Article
UDC 712.2(497.4-751.2)

Matej Vranješ: Sheep Breeders, Hunters, Nature Conservationsts, Businessmen? A Look at the Triglav National Park and the Trenta Valley Heritage. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 78=43(2007), 4, pp. 119-142

On the basis of the data collected in a long-term ethnographic field research in the Trenta valley, the paper presents an interpretation of the local inhabitants' views on some of the aspects of local cultural heritage and the Triglav National Park. The author focuses on the locals' representations of the recent history and on their views on reasonableness, possibility and ways of preserving particularly the two elements of the cultural he rit age and traditional spatial use: agriculture - agricultural culturallandscape and hunting. Some of the fundamental differences in the points of view on the politics of »conservation« of the cultural heritage between locals and »representatives of national interest« are presented and interpreted. These differences are also exposed in the con text of the reactions of the local community on the public debate regarding the new Law of the Triglav National Park in Slovenia.